Brian and Chelsea

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Snowy Hike...

Brian wanted to take Isaac sledding up Millcreek.
So we got ready, drove up the canyon, and once we got there...
I realized I failed to get Isaac's snow pants.
So we went for a little hike instead.
He was still super excited to be outside!
He did want to be carried the whole time though!
We didn't take the pack... so Brian got to carry him.
Hard carrying a 30 lb child on a hike.
Isaac loves the snow... but most of all...
he loves to EAT it!

Yummy snow!

It's hard to eat snow with gloves on... so Brian was helping him!

Hanging out by the rock... where Isaac can stand and eat some snow!

Isaac decided the gloves needed to come off...
it's just too hard to eat snow with them on!

Isaac thought this was so funny!
He wanted Brian to keep doing it!

Brian trying to put Isaac's gloves back on... not easy!

Isaac loves his daddy!

Brian and Isaac shook the snow off a lot of the trees!
Isaac thought it was fun!

Isaac in a tree! Love that smile!

Cutest boy of all time!!!

1 comment:

The Hoskissons said...

Chels, I love, love, love these photos. You guys are so fun and you can tell how much you love your little guy.