Brian and Chelsea

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Playing in the rain...

Isaac loves to be outside!
He doesn't care if it's Sunny, Snowing... or Raining.
So... I put on his rain coat and out he went with Daddy!
I thought he would run on the law and just play for a few minutes... well NOPE! He found the only puddle and splashed and splashed away in it! He thought it was the best thing ever! Funny kid! He was beyond excited!

The puddle is small... but it still soaked him. He's totally smiling!

Just splashing away!

I can't remember what he's pointing too...
I love the expression though!

This turned out blurry... but they are running across the yard in the rain!

Taking a little rest... on the wet steps.

Needless to say...

He was put into the tub with all of his wet... muddy clothes still on! He was confused why he still had his clothes on AND shoes. But he was soaked to the bone and I didn't want the wet muddy water all over. So I figured this was the easiest way to go!

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