Brian and Chelsea

Welcome to the Hoskisson Blog... Hope you Enjoy!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Sorry I haven't done anything for some time... I thought about trying to catch up... but now I am thinking I will just start from now... and go forward... otherwise, I will NEVER get there.

30 Questions

1. When is your "marriage" anniversary? "Engagement" anniversary?
Marriage: May 19. 2004 Engagement: February 12, 2004

2. Where/how did you meet your spouse for the first time?
I'm not totally sure... maybe church? He moved into the ward when I was about 10 and he was 12/13!

3. How long have you known your spouse:
16 years... wow!

4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged?
about 2 months! :)

5. Do you have any children:
YES! The cutest boy of all time!

6. Do you have any house pets:
No, but we both would love to have a dog... or two!!

7. What are some of your favorite activities together:
Traveling, eating, watching movies, going for walks!

8. Do you have a favorite vacation spot:
I think our new favorite is the Caribbean. Beach for me... salt water fishing for Brian!

9. Where was your first date?
December 6, 2003
Brian had been home for a month from his mission. We went to "Made in Brazil" [yummy Brazilian food!] Then we went downtown and walked around temple square to see all the lights, then he took me on a horse carriage ride!

10. When did you first kiss?
December 7, 2003 ... we didn't waste time!

11. Who said I Love you First?
It's all a blur... I know I wanted to... but it may have been him?

12. Did you get married in a church?
No, we got married in the Salt lake Temple.

13. Do you get flowers often?

14. Where did you go on your honeymoon:
Maui, Hawaii!!!!

15. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
About 9 years!

16. What do you call each other most of the time?
Bri/Daddy... and Momma!

17.Where do you each work or go to school?
I work at home... HOMEMAKER!!!!
Brian is in Nursing school [last semester!] at the UofU!
Also works are REI

18. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
??? Not sure... money maybe.

19. Did you go to the same school?
High school no... Bri-Skyline Me-Brighton
College we both went to SLCC for a time and now he's at the UofU.

20. Are you from the same home town?
No. Brian is from Morgan, I am from Sandy

21. Who is smarter?

22. Who is more sensitive?
Me for sure... and Isaac! We both can cry at the drop of a hat!

23.Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Cafe Rio

24. What attracted you about him/her first?
Looks probably... then he made me laugh and smile and I enjoyed being around him ALL the time! Very sweet too!

25. Who is more social?
I am! I am known as a Social butterfly! Brian can be!

26. Who is the neat-freak?
Brian for sure! I drive him crazy with all my JUNK!

28. Who hogs the bed?
BRIAN! We have a king and I sometimes feel like it's not big enough. He likes to sleep right in the middle and then stretch out.

29. Who wakes up earlier?
Brian for sure... at least most of the time! Rarely I do... if Isaac gets up early-ish!

30. What are HIS favorite things and HER favorite things?
Brian: Skiing, fishing, hiking, biking, running, reading... ISAAC
Chelsea: movies, reading, walking, shopping... ISAAC


Caitlin said...

Yay im glad you are blogging again!

Mary said...

Cute! I can't believe you guys have been married for almost 7 years! It seems like just yesterday I went to your wedding reception:)

The Hoskisson Family said...

Caitlin... do you like how I copied your questionnaire? I do need to blog more!
Mary... it is crazy! I can't believe it either!