March 2010...
The beginning of March I was able to go on Katie's choir tour to California. We rode on buses down to Las Vegas where they did a workshop at UNLV. [Poor Katie got a SHOCKING experience in L.V..] Then later we got the AWESOME oppurtunity to go see the Broadway "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA". It was truly amazing! It was so unreal. It was fun... it was Katie's and my first time seeing it on Broadway. Then we went to the Bollagio to see the fountains. That was neat. We didn't get on the buses until about 11:30 pm that night. We were so excited to see the buses. We slept on the buses the rest of way to California. Well... we tried to sleep. It was brutal. We were so excited to see the IHOP at 5 in the morning. Needless to say we didn't sleep real great. We got to go into Disneyland the first two days in California. They had some great workshops there and then we just got to PLAY in Disneyland and California Adventure! It was AWESOME!!! Who doesn't love Disneyland? SERIOUSLY!!! I know I DO!!! Katie hadn't been to Disneyland [only Disneyworld - poor girl! ;)] So that was fun! Then we went on a boat cruise. We were hoping to see Whales... instead we just got sea sick. Poor Katie didn't do so hot there. She just rested on my shoulder the whole time. Felt so sad for her. Then the kids did a fireside right across from the temple. That was cool! The next day we got to go to Disneyland again! [After they had a great couple of workshops at different colleges!] We had a lot of fun... then we did some shopping in downtown Disney! Got some super fun things!!! I LOVE DISNEYLAND!!! The next day was brutal again... we drove straight home on the buses... and once we hit St. George we were in a SNOW STORM the rest of the way. We were so excited when we finally drove into the Heber valley. We all were anxious to be home.
So that was the first time I had really ever been away from Isaac... HARDEST THING EVER!!! Oh man... I missed him SOOOOOOOOOO much! I had to call EVERY day to check on him, and I welcomed many pictures daily from my parents of him. It helped ease the pain of being away from him a little. But not much! It was not easy! I survived... and so did he. BUT IT WAS HARD!!!
The rest of the month was PRETTY quiet.
Helped my parents do some more packing at their house. Got some skiing in when I could.
I couldn't believe my baby was ONE! The last year went by so fast! Then again... having Isaac filled up all of that time! :) It was the best year I have ever had. The most rewarding, joyful, happy, and wonderful year! He has been the light of my life!
We were going to go to the ZOO... but the weather was not great. That evening we went out to my parents house for his big birthday bash! We had our families and close friends over for cake and ice cream... and presents of course! He was spoiled! :) [Of course!!!] The cake was the best... he didn't hesitate at all. He just dove right in and enjoyed himself! It was classic! We got some great pictures! I am so grateful for my sweet little Angel and the joy he brings me. He truly is my life... he is the reason I am here on this earth. He means so much to me. I now know why my mother always says she loves me more then I love her. I love my mother dearly... but there is just no comparision to the love you have for your child. It is so 100% unconditional. I would do ANYTHING for my sweet precious boy! I am so grateful the Lord would trust me with such a precious spirit and such a huge task of raising him to be the man he needs to be. It's overwelming... but so worth it! I love him with all of my heart. My heart bursts with the amount of love I have for him. He brings me so much joy that I never knew was possible to even have. I love my sweet Isaac Henry!